Rimedi Naturali con le erbe medicinali

Wounds and burns treatment with lavender

Lavender is not only a plant with a pleasant “clean” smell whose dried bunches were used by our grandmothers to put in the laundry. Lavender, many varieties of which are present in Italy, has a lot of healing properties too.
It has antiseptic, cicatrizing and even diuretic properties, but mainly it has a considerable action on the nervous system.
In 1890, some studies already showed how lavender extract could have both narcotic and tonic effect. Both actions depend only on the dosage: 1 ml of oil on an empty stomach has narcotic and analgesic effects while 2-3 drops are toning.
Since lavender grows in Mediterranean region on rocky soil, if you want to grow lavender on the terrace or in the garden, put it in the sun, in a chalky soil which is not too fertile.
Flowers are generally gathered between June and July: let flowers dry in the shadow in a well-ventilated place.

Antiseptic and diuretic infusion: a small handful of flowers in 1 l of boiling hot water. Drink 3-4 cups per day.

Compresses for wounds and burns: prepare a decoction by boiling a handful of lavender in 1 l of water for 10 minutes. Make compresses to heal burns and wounds.

Inhalation: under a cloth, breathe the fumes of an infusion made with a handful of lavender flowers in 1 l of water.

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