Rimedi Naturali con le erbe medicinali

The typical cooked apple

Apples are nutritious, tonic and digestive.
The drink produced from apples is very good too (apple cider or wine) and it’s particularly widespread in places where it’s impossible to grow the vine.
Cooked apple is very easy to digest and thus suitable for convalescents; apples cooked in wine with sugar are tonic too.
Apples which have been cooked in water with honey are laxative and useful for people suffering from constipation and hemorrhoids. They are helpful also against acid stomach and for urinary ways disorders, against obesity and gout (hyperuricemia).
We know about 2000 varieties of apples and, among them, the quince apple has astringent properties (in case of dysentery).
Tricks: once peeled, never wash the apple or let it in the water. Cut it in big pieces when necessary.
If you prefer cooked apples, then baked apples are the best. They are cooked with dry heat.

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