Rimedi Naturali con le erbe medicinali

Two red fruits to treat anaemia, gout and arthritis

Strawberries, although they are very tasty, are not very nourishing: 100 g (3.52 oz) have only 40 calories. Thus they are suitable for low-calorie and slimming diets.
Since they are high in salicylic acid and quinine content, they are considered effective remedies in case of gout, arthritis and hypururicemia (especially if dressed with lemon juice instead of wine).
Strawberries have a high Vitamin C, calcium and iron content and are recommended in the diet of people affected by anaemia and lymphatic diseases. Only allergic people and those who are subject to annoying hives will have to avoid them.
Cherries, on the contrary, are one of the most nourishing fruits because they are high in sugar and vitamins content, and are highly digestible.
Cherries too have anti hyperuricemic, anti rheumatic, anti gout and anti-anaemic properties because they are high in mineral salts content: iron, copper, iodine and manganese. People having difficulty in digesting cherries can solve by cooking them.


  1. In order to treat Anemia one should eat food which is rich in Iron and Vitamin C. I suggest a person must have a glass of Gooseberry Juice everyday without fail. By doing this for 60 days you will see a significant improvement in Anemia.


  2. There are many forms of anemia, each with its own cause. Anemia can be temporary or long term, and it can range from mild to severe. See your doctor if you suspect you have anemia because it can be a warning sign of serious illness. We suggest to you Home Remedies For Anaemia which is free from side effects. Just try it. We are here to assist you.
