Rimedi Naturali con le erbe medicinali

Calming asthma with herbal remedies

Asthma causes very annoying choking attacks and respiratory disorders. It’s a very serious disease which can not be treated only with homemade remedies and doctor’s intervention is always necessary. However, herbs can help in emergency moments, to calm a sudden attack or to slow down the rate of respiration.

Take 60 g (2.11 oz) of sage leaves + 40 g (1.41 oz) of rosemary leaves. Mix them and smoke in a pipe.

Put 5 g (0.17 oz) of chestnut leaves in a cup. Pour 100 ml of boiling hot water on them, cover and let infuse for 25 minutes. Strain and drink 2-3 cups per day.

Bronchial asthma: Put 5 g (0.17 oz) of juniper (crashed berries) in a cup.
Pour 250 ml of boiling hot water, cover and let infuse for 15 minutes. Drain and drink very hot small cups every 2 hours.

Asthma with heart disorders: soak 200 g (7.05 oz) of mistletoe leaves and soft branches in 100 ml of 95% alcohol for 8 days. Drain and take 25 drops 2-3 times per day.

Nervous asthma: dried and cut leaves of nightshade to smoke in a pipe once per day.

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