Rimedi Naturali con le erbe medicinali

How to prepare herbal remedies

The first thing to know to learn healing yourself with natural products is the difference between a tea and a decoction, a juice and an extract. Here is how to move deftly among leaves and dried flowers, strainers and mortars.

The word refers to the kind of preparation which extracts active ingredients from the plant. There are three main ways of preparation: infusion, decoction and maceration.

Infusion: pour the liquid, most of all boiling hot or cold (according to the cases) over herbs, in a pot which is not made of iron or aluminium. Cover and let it stand for the time indicated by the recipe (1 minute on average if herbs are fresh, 3 minutes if they are dried).
Decoction: put the plant in the water (or in the suggested liquid), warm on a light fire making it boil for the established time, avoiding foam to come out. Drain the liquid obtained through a cloth, slightly squeezing remaing herbs. Make it very sweet with sugar or honey (unless contrary indications).
Another less common but equally effective way to use decoction, especially to solve the problem of bad taste, is preparing an abundant dose and, instead of drinking it, have a very hot footbath for 10 minutes. Feet actually are able to absorb medicinal principles and spread them throughout the body.
Maceration: It’s obtained through a long and delicate preparation. Herbs must stand in cold water where they can soak from a minimum of one day to a maximum of several weeks. Once obtained this maceration, drain it carefully using, according to the cases, water, wine, alcohol and oil. It depends on your herbalist’s suggestion.

It’s advisable using always the same pots (ceramic or enamelled pots) for decoctions and infusions since the strong smell and the spots left by some herbs are difficult to eliminate.

It’s obtained by cutting the plant into pieces or letting it soak at normal temperature in alcohol at the established alcoholic strength (70%- 80% - 90%). Shake it all once per day and once passed maceration time (according to the preparation), pour it, squeeze and drain with kitchen paper. Tinctures are then kept in hermetic dark glass bottles.

They are extracted from roots, barks, fruits, flowers, herbs which must be deprived of powder and ground and squeezed with the press (for fruits, flowers, herbs and all hard plants you can use home centrifuge). Vegetable juices should be consumed during the same day. For a longer preservation, mix 90 ml of juice with about 10 ml of 95% alcohol and keep into a hermetic closed glass pot in a fresh but not cold place.

In a large-mouthed pot, put layers of washed and chopped fresh herbs and cane sugar or honey. Press it well and close it hermetically. Drain three weeks later.
Flowers and leaves soaked in sugar must be delicately washed in a little water which will be added to the syrup. Put everything in a pot and let the remaining water evaporate on a low fire. Syrup must not be boiled and must remain fluid enough. Let it cool and pour into a dark bottle.

Also called herbal extracts, they are the chemical product obtained, generally by distillation, from the so-called aromatic plants, that is plants rich in essences. They are able to destroy microbes, virus and funguses. The prescription, use and control are reserved to the doctor.

Fill a large-mouthed pot with chopped fresh herbs without pressing them. Pour some extra virgin olive oil on them so that herbs are perfectly covered. Let the bottle in the sun for 15 days or near a heating source. Mix it now and then. After the established time, drain it all by squeezing the herbs and keep in a dark bottle. If you are using dried herbs, fill only half of the pot.

POULTICE (Cataplasm)
It’s a soft preparation which is usually placed hot on the kind or on affected parts, using gauzes.

Soak 100 g (3.52 oz) of herbs (200 g (7.05 oz) for the whole bath) in 2 l of cold water overnight.
The following day warm it all without boiling. Switch the fire off and pour the drained preparation in bath hot water. As for sits, dip yourself in the water till the hips for 20 minutes. After the bath, wrap yourself in a towel and lye on the bad, carefully covering yourself for half an hour.

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